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Youth Development

Giving a voice to the interest of the Black community is an important endeavor!


Giving our youth a platform in politics to make a difference for the Black community is essential...


And it starts with engaging our youth giving them direction, guidance and a path forward!


To assist in the development of our youth, by ensuring that they are prepared to be productive citizens, aware of the political process in Somerset County to improve their lives and those of their community.




Build and develop a youth group to ensure the success and sustained legacy of Black leadership & empowerment. In doing so, promote ideas that build leadership, and drive upward mobility in the Black community through our youth.  Develop our Black youth to become civically aware, engaged, and empowered starting within their local community and extending to the national stage.




We seek to build School, Community, and Business partnerships in order to engage and encourage our youth to become active members of their community.  Some of these activities included in these efforts include voter registration drives, voter canvassing, educational workshops, training, exposure to the various political processes, community service, and community outreach opportunities.



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We encourage our youth to make positive news and then celebrate their successes. See what's been happening?

We Aim to Develop Our Youth ...

News & Events

Our Greatest Legacy

... Engaging, Empowering and Enabling Our Youth's Success!

Ready to Make 

 Things Happen?

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